Saturday, 28 April 2018

3rd trimester update

As expected, this last trimester is taking its toll. I've experienced swollen feet/ankles when we had some hot weather recently. Also I had pain with a trapped nerve - which luckily free physio treatments at work sorted! And also (TMI) had a bit of a thing with a change in my discharge and then there's the frequency of bathroom trips going up! Oh yea - the constant pins and needles in my hands (carpel tunnel) haven't been nice either. Looking back - this trimester has been the most I've had to deal with in terms of pregnancy symptoms and difficulties, so I'm sure in the next few weeks I'll be ready for him to come already!!

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Information overload?

So the courses/classes and appointments are happening thick and fast!!!
This week we've had our first antenatal and attended our hypnobirthing course. As this is my first pregnancy, (and I think as part of my nesting) I've gone into proper research mode and as I don't know what to expect, doing these classes and courses are helping me feel better prepared mentally which I think is super important. 

My cousin told me there's no point with all this prep and just go with the flow and listen to the midwives. I get what she's saying and of course and I will do whatever the midwives think is right in regards to the health of my baby and I -  but I do still its important to try help the situation as much as I can. The type of person I am, I'm happier knowing that I've factored in all situations, options etc. And even though the labour/birth doesn't go how I planned/imagined, least I would feel a lot calmer knowing I did what I could to prepare for the big day 🙏

More chat on how we got on with the courses/classes later - next week we have our 2nd antenatal class.

34 weeks update

As per my previous post - I've been spending the recent weeks planning our baby shower and it's been kinda distracting me from the fact that I'm 34 weeks now so that means I'm like 3 weeks away from what is considered full term!!! 3 weeks?!! wahhhht lol

So not much to report - other than I'm finding the belly in this 3rd trimester harder to lug around lol Walking is so much slower than usual and stairs are my enemy. My boss has been super nice though - he allows me to come in bit later so I can travel to work out of the rush hour and he's also said to leave work early if I ever needed to, so sweet! We haven't had the smoothest of work relationships but over the last year I think I've proven to him I'm a hard worker and committed to work and the department so gained back his respect and vice versa. Also he's recently told me he's expecting too, so I think that's soften him :D I 'm super chuffed for him, he'll make a great Dad :)

So even though I said there's nothing to report - I did have a little worry over some brown discharge (soz TMI) that I've never experienced before. So after a call to the midwives, they suggested we come in over the weekend to check it out. It was bit stressy because we had to do two trips as I forgot my hospital notes!! Lesson learnt!! But it was all fine - we are close to the hospital, there was no traffic and when we got back the 2nd time, we were seen quite quickly. The midwives were so nice as usual and after an hour of monitoring Bubba's movements and heart beat they sent us home with reassurance he was doing ok. 🙏 They couldn't pinpoint what the change is discharge was - it could of been my mucus plug breaking down?! Meaning my body is preparing for the big day! 

But I'm glad we came in though - you can never be too careful.

Our Bubba Shower!!

I'm looking back at the pics and vids of our baby shower at the mo, just cracking up!! It's a week today since we had the baby shower, time really is flying!!

It was such a fun day for us - we had such a lovely time celebrating with our wonderful friends & family. Everyone got into the games and we had activities for the kids too - it was a proper family affair :) Also everyone commented on how much fun they had, loved the venue and decor etc. so that made all the hard work putting everything together so much more worth it :)

I really loved seeing everyone together - pretty much most of the guests were present at our wedding so it was kinda like a reunion! Plus now they all have kids so our group is growing and I can't wait for Bubba to join in all the fun xxx