Saturday, 14 April 2018

Information overload?

So the courses/classes and appointments are happening thick and fast!!!
This week we've had our first antenatal and attended our hypnobirthing course. As this is my first pregnancy, (and I think as part of my nesting) I've gone into proper research mode and as I don't know what to expect, doing these classes and courses are helping me feel better prepared mentally which I think is super important. 

My cousin told me there's no point with all this prep and just go with the flow and listen to the midwives. I get what she's saying and of course and I will do whatever the midwives think is right in regards to the health of my baby and I -  but I do still its important to try help the situation as much as I can. The type of person I am, I'm happier knowing that I've factored in all situations, options etc. And even though the labour/birth doesn't go how I planned/imagined, least I would feel a lot calmer knowing I did what I could to prepare for the big day 🙏

More chat on how we got on with the courses/classes later - next week we have our 2nd antenatal class.

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