Sunday, 18 March 2018

4D scan

It was an exciting weekend Bubba! Daddy and I went for a 4D scan to check-in on you and make sure you're doing ok. It's been a while since the 2nd scan so it was so lovely to see you again, especially in more detail. We got to see your face (kinda lol) - you were very makulit and hid your face with your hands and against my placenta for most of the time! lol The sonographer said you kept 'kissing' it!  It was a great experience though - we heard your strong heartbeat and they said you're head down and growing well. You're getting bigger, so I need to keep an eye on what I eat over the next few weeks, and not to add too much to those chubby cheeks of yours πŸ˜…πŸ˜˜

I mean 😍

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

The Big H&M Haul

So the last two days have been fun! There's an H&M outlet near my work and I kinda went in :P
It wasn't hard too to be honest - its was 50% off, with an additional 50% off!!! I mean, some of the bits I got only cost £1.50!! 😱 So so chuffed!! Close-up shots to follow xx

All of this from the H&M outlet!

Monday, 12 March 2018

29/30 weeks

Soooo we're in the 3rd trimester?!!! 😱 I can't believe how quick it's come around! I think I've been quite lucky to have a good pregnancy so far. Other than stories from friends and families, I've had nothing to compare it too but I can honestly say I've enjoyed the experience so far!
I've been lucky not to have any morning sickness etc and the worst I've dealt with is tiredness and lack of mobility - oh and also the horrific hives incident in the first trimester, but I'll save that for another post!

This week I've been feeling super pregnant. My tummy is getting bigger, I'm feeling more tired and I feel my appetite increasing again. All good signs though I hope - means to me that bubba is growing even more so at these final stages πŸ’™πŸ™ We have out 4D scan next weekend and I'm very excited to see him again and maybe see some chubby cheeks xx

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Baby Wishlist *update*

Cybex Mios 😍

Changing MatΓ€dra-babycare-mat-art-80226137/

Cot bed

Nursery - Security Camera

Baby Show 2018

Hello Bubba!! Love you xxx Last weekend was packed full of more baby love (which is pretty normal nowadays 😍). Saturday we spent time celebrating Ate Anaya's 2nd birthday and on Sunday we attended our first Baby Show! It was a lot of fun - we didn't go too crazy buying you stuff, but it was good to experience it with Daddy. We finally decided on the push chair we want to get you, attended a First Aid short class and also purchased your moses basket, hope you like sleeping in it :)

Check out the haul - those bottles were only mean to be 1 x per family but we obviously didn't pay attention to that! πŸ˜…

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Tiba + Marl

Online shopping is the best!! Despite the weather I still managed to take advantage of the mid season sales and nab a Tiba + Marl x Mamas & Papas changing bag. It was £120 and reduced to £72 - such bargain I think! More pics to come, can't be arsed at the

Snow Day!!!

It's the 1st March and it feels like its Xmas/December time all over again!! The UK has been hit with a really bad snow storm dubbed 'The Beast from the East'.

The storm is coming from Russia I think and is causing all sorts of havoc! London is just not equipped for severe weather - I've been trying to brave the week at work and traveling in despite the weather but decided it was safest to stay at home today. I didn't feel comfortable being outside knowing the roads will be very icy, my workmates told me even for them they were slipping and sliding during their commute into work! Also I nearly fell on Wednesday after losing my balance in the snow/ice so I wasn't going to risk it, it's not worth it!

Anyhoo - yesterday was a good day despite the weather, we had Bubba's 28 week midwife appt. It was a great appt, really nice midwife and nurses. The midwife said Bubba was measuring at 27 weeks and we also heard a good strong heart beat 😍