Soooo we're in the 3rd trimester?!!! 😱 I can't believe how quick it's come around! I think I've been quite lucky to have a good pregnancy so far. Other than stories from friends and families, I've had nothing to compare it too but I can honestly say I've enjoyed the experience so far!
I've been lucky not to have any morning sickness etc and the worst I've dealt with is tiredness and lack of mobility - oh and also the horrific hives incident in the first trimester, but I'll save that for another post!
This week I've been feeling super pregnant. My tummy is getting bigger, I'm feeling more tired and I feel my appetite increasing again. All good signs though I hope - means to me that bubba is growing even more so at these final stages 💙🙏 We have out 4D scan next weekend and I'm very excited to see him again and maybe see some chubby cheeks xx
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