Thursday, 21 June 2018

7 weeks postpartum

My my!! How time has flown! Only now - 7 weeks after my gorgeous bubba was born, have I been able to/feel up to updating this blog. So much has happened and I have learnt so much that it feels a lot longer than 7 weeks of living my new life as a mum.

Mum....still not quite used to being one, let alone being called one! It's crazy how you just have to get on with it as soon as you give birth. There's no break from it and it's completely overwhelming, but somehow it feels normal and somehow I just seem to know what I'm doing with him.

One day soon I'll write up my birth story - just to get it out in words for myself. It would be good to reflect on what happened and how I felt - it's a experience that will never happen the same again. 

You can prepare yourself during pregnancy, prepare for the birth and labour etc but you can never ever prepare for the pain!! ahhhh lol to be continued.

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