Thursday, 21 June 2018

36 weeks

NB: Saw this unfinished post in my Drafts section - even though the dates won't match up I still wanted to post it up. It's funny reading it back, I had no clue then I was going to give birth at the end of that week!!

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This week has been quite eventful! Work has been really good and not too busy, which I'm glad for! I've decided to finish up at the end of my 37th week instead of pushing it to the end of my 38th week. Who knows bubba might be here by then?!! I guess that's what main reason for changing the dates were - I really don't want to be far from home/at work and go into labour and also it will be good to have a few weeks off before he arrives so it's not going straight from work into baby duties.

Back to this week - we had our 36 week midwife appointment, it was all fine thankfully but they have recommended we see a consultant next Tuesday as they think bubba is measuring quite big. 41cms in fact! Where he should be about 2cms either side of 36, so 34 or 38cm? I'm not sure about all this because a lot of women have been measured before as 'big' and their babies have come out smaller than expected. But I'm glad they are keeping an eye on him - and we'll see if I will need to be induced or not?!

If I am induced and that's what's decided, then the decision is taken out of my hands of where to give birth. I won't be too disappointed I guess as I'm still in two minds where's the best place.

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