Sunday, 31 December 2017

Project Nursery - Inspiration

It all started with these - three cushions that came with us when we moved from our old flat.

I've always loved the colour 'Duck egg' and in our bedroom at the old flat we had a whole wall painted in this colour. I'm sure the nursery will start flooding with other bright colours once we know the gender and the toys will start piling up, but for now I'm liking the duck egg, white and grey combo. I think these colours work well together and can be adapted for either a boy or a girl.

Earlier this year, we purchased a day bed from IKEA - initially for guests, but its turns out it will make a nice and cosy place for bubba and I to rest and chill when we are in the nursery. We'll eventually want an armchair in the nursery for comfort (while breastfeeding) but I guess we'll see how it goes.

Also from IKEA followed these massive Duck Egg cushions - love them!! Again purchased before I got pregnant so all meant to be I think :) I'll do a full 'nursery tour' post once its all done, I've got loads of ideas already!

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